Most updated news and events on CE nationally and internationally
Circular Economy resources and topics
GIZ is looking for candidate trainers in Viet Nam to learn and master the methodology in order to support local companies in their transition to a circular economy.
UNDP and the CE Hub have started implementing a pilot initiative for a secondary material marketplace which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and receives support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
VietCycle, in coordination with Unilever Vietnam, organised a ceremony to honour 300 informal female waste collectors from localities of Hung Yen, Bac Ninh, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city.
Relevant agencies and research units are encouraged to contribute their opinions to finalize the national action plan for circular economy implementation before October 20, 2023.
The workshop introduced, exchanged ideas, and discussed solutions aimed at assisting businesses in aligning with practical eco-design principles.
Representatives from MONRE and other government ministries, and members of NPAP discussed practical solutions and possible inputs to Viet Nam’s written submission on the draft treaty prior to INC-3.
ISPONRE in collaboration with UNDP orchestrated a writeshop to consult experts for the draft of the National Action Plan on Circular Economy.
The forum discussed challenges in the production, distribution of eco-friendly products, consumption habits and behaviors among the public.
The workshop assembled representatives from eleven countries belonging to PEMSEA to discuss solutions for plastic pollution.
The ACE-Biz project focuses on circular guidelines, capacity-building program, and a certification scheme to transform businesses in Viet Nam.
The World Circular Economy Forum 2023 provided a platform for the launch of various agreements, plans and publications.
A decree outlining a pilot mechanism for circular economy in Vietnam is expected to be submitted to the government for approval in Q2/2023.