
Document name Issuing Organization Activity
Report “Vulnerabilities of the plastic waste sorting at source for recycling in HCMC, Vietnam. A waste audit.“
Lam Nguyen 0202
3 years ago
Description of the post-consumer plastic packaging value chain in a commune from a rural district of HCMC: Implications for EPR implementation
Lam Nguyen 0202
3 years ago
Expectations and constraints of plastic packaging waste recyclers under the future EPR scheme in Vietnam
Lam Nguyen 0202
3 years ago
Workshop: Lessons Learned from Pilot Projects Working with Women Informal Waste Workers in Viet Nam
Hoàng Thị Diệu Linh
3 years ago
How to Improve the Management of Ship-Generated Waste and Cargo Residues in Viet Nam
3 years ago
Between you and I: A portfolio theory of the circular economy
3 years ago
Report “Vulnerabilities of the plastic waste sorting at source for recycling in HCMC, Vietnam. A waste audit.“

According to HCMC Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the City disposes of 9,500 tons of domestic solid waste every day, in which plastic waste accounts for a high proportion (ranked after organic waste only), about more than 1,500 tons. The amount of waste increases on average from 6 – 10% per year. The rapid increase of municipal solid waste, which has diverse and complex properties and composition, has put pressure on the waste management, collection, transportation and treatment.

The pilot project `Enhancing plastic packaging collection, sorting and recycling’, implemented by the Institut de la Recherche pour le Development (IRD) and the Hanoi Architectural University (HAU), is funded by the ‘Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter’ project of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). ‘Rethinking Plastics’ is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Expertise France.

To fulfill all the activities of the pilot project, IRD contracted with ENDA to elaborate and conduct social surveys along the post consumers plastic packaging value chain (including consumers, domestic and recyclable aggregators, transporters, recyclers) in order to identify and report in HCMC on the difficulties encountered for the sorting, collection, monitoring and traceability of waste.

3 years ago
Description of the post-consumer plastic packaging value chain in a commune from a rural district of HCMC: Implications for EPR implementation

The pilot project ‘Enhancing plastic packaging collection, sorting and recycling’, implemented by the Institut de la Recherche pour le Development (IRD) and the Hanoi Architectural University (HAU), is funded by the ‘Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter’ project of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). ‘Rethinking Plastics’ is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Expertise France.

Originally, the Activity 2 of the pilot project aimed to assess and reinforce the efficiency of systematic waste sorting-at-source by conducting a baseline during a three weeks survey, a sorting at source awareness campaign and a final survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Because of the covid-19 pandemic in Vietnam, this activity was reduced and instead of conducting two surveys, baseline and evaluation, the project team was able to conduct only one survey that can be considered as a baseline, representative of the post lockdown-period due to covid-19 pandemic. Also, the original plan was to conduct the surveys at three districts, charactering the rural, urban and sub-urban context. In regards to the pandemic situation and the advice of the local authorities, we focused only on a rural district. The project team therefore focused on a deeper understanding of the current organization of a commune of a rural district and formulated recommendations for the packaging sector in relation to the implementation of EPR in Vietnam.

3 years ago
Expectations and constraints of plastic packaging waste recyclers under the future EPR scheme in Vietnam

According to HCMC Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the City disposes of 9,500 tons of domestic solid waste every day, in which plastic waste accounts for a high proportion (ranked after organic waste only), about more than 1,500 tons. The amount of waste increases on average from 6 – 10% per year. The rapid increase of municipal solid waste, which has diverse and complex properties and composition, has put pressure on the waste management system.

The pilot project ‘Enhancing plastic packaging collection, sorting and recycling’, implemented by the Institut de la Recherche pour le Development (IRD) and the Hanoi Architectural University (HAU), is funded by the ‘Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter’ project of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). ‘Rethinking Plastics’ is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Expertise France.

To fulfill all the activities of the pilot project, IRD contracted with ENDA to elaborate and conduct social surveys along the post consumers plastic packaging value chain (including consumers, domestic and recyclable aggregators, transporters, recyclers) in order to identify and report the constraints, levers and possible recommendations for the integration of not-yet-collected plastic packaging at the aggregator recyclers levels.

3 years ago