Extension of the “Bớt túi ni-lông, thêm nhiều mầm sống” contest

? We are excited to announce the extension of participation in the “BỚT TÚI NI-LÔNG, THÊM NHIỀU MẦM SỐNG” contest!
? Over the past few days, the contest has received numerous entries from young people all across the country as part of our efforts to reduce plastic bag usage and promote sustainable living. However, on the final day of the contest, we also received many messages from young individuals who regretted not being able to showcase their eco-friendly actions on social media and take part in the contest in response to the “Non-plastic bag use day in Vietnam” campaign.
?? To provide more opportunities for everyone to contribute to the advocacy and promotion of reducing plastic bag consumption during shopping, the organizers of the “Non-plastic bag day in Vietnam” campaign are pleased to announce that the deadline for participation in the “BỚT TÚI NI-LÔNG, THÊM NHIỀU MẦM SỐNG” contest has been extended until 12 pm on July 14, 2023.
? Make sure to follow our fan page for the latest updates! If you have any questions, feel free to message us for prompt assistance.
The competition “BỚT TÚI NI-LÔNG, THÊM NHIỀU MẦM SỐNG”, which is held to celebrate “Plastic Bags Free Day”, aims raise awareness of refraining from using shopping bags among consumers. .
? Details of the competition: https://bit.ly/CuocthiBottuinilong
⏰ Time:  8:00 AM 01 July 2023 – 12:00 PM 14 July 2023.
? Campaign on the occasion of  International Plastic Bag Free Day
Organisers: #ISPONRE, DOIT Ha Noi
Partners: #worldwildlifefund – WWF Viet Nam, #IUCN, #VB4E, #EPPIC, #NPAP, #UNDP, #Norad, #VSF, #Touch
Contact info:
? Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/matxanh2020/
? Email: matxanh.quyvitamvocviet@gmail.com
☎️ Phone: Thanh Giang (0585233974) – Hải Chi (0913535173)
