Global Mayors Challenge: Helping cities reimagine a core resident-facing service

Applications for the Global Mayors Challenge are open until December 20, 2024. We are calling on mayors worldwide to work with residents and entrepreneurs to radically reimagine their most essential municipal services, from public transportation to waste management, housing and shelter, emergency response, and more. Cities with more than 100,000 residents are eligible to apply.

Twenty-five winning cities will receive $1 million and operational assistance to bring their proposals to life. To learn more, visit our website at Global Mayors Challenge.

For mayors and city leaders
If you work within city government, sign up to access an application on our website: The deadline for all applications is December 20, 2024, at 11:59pm EST. If you have any questions, please email our program team at

For urban innovators working outside of city government
If you are a city resident and would like to see your City participate in the program, we encourage you to spread the world to your Mayor and network. You can find templates below.

