Shaping the Direction for Advancing EPR framework in Viet Nam

On February 21st, the UNDP and the Norwegian Embassy co-hosted a key event: the “Technical Workshop: Shaping the Direction for Advancing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) framework in Viet Nam”. The workshop brought together the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and 200 participants, both in-person and online, representing a wide range of stakeholders.

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Vietnam’s environmental management has advanced considerably thanks to the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection, Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, and the recently issued Decree 05/2025/ND-CP. These regulations establish stringent standards for waste management and extended producer responsibility. This workshop focused on the need for a dedicated EPR decree to ensure producers are fully accountable for their products’ entire lifecycle. Key discussion topics included:

  • Updates on Vietnam’s evolving EPR policy landscape.
  • International best practices and strategies for developing an effective EPR system.
  • Challenges and opportunities in implementing EPR in Vietnam.
  • Recommendations for creating a practical and impactful EPR framework.

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The event convened policymakers, business leaders, NGO representatives, and environmental experts for open dialogue. Participants explored challenges, shared international experiences, and proposed practical solutions for building an effective EPR framework in Vietnam.

By making remarks at the workshop, Deputy Ambassador Møglestue commended Vietnam’s significant progress in strengthening its environmental legal framework and setting high standards for waste management and EPR.

She emphasized, “EPR, co-processing, and the circular economy are Norwegian priorities in Vietnam. We are therefore proud and deeply value our close partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, UNDP Vietnam, NPAP, and our many stakeholders, including the private sector, in advancing this important agenda.”

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