Tin tức và sự kiện mới nhất về KTTH trong nước và quốc tế
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You will find that most fields in the form below are mandatory. This is to ensure consistency of the information across all entries that we receive. We will also ask you to fill in contact details for the purpose of exchange and information sharing between stakeholders via the CE Hub. Your contact will not be transferred to third parties.
Please make sure to fully complete this form once for each entry that you wish to submit.
All submitted entries can be browsed and filtered through our corresponding Database of the CE Hub.
For any other enquiry or information that you may require, please contact our Secretariat.
Please note that you remain responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the information that you submit for publication!
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By sending this form I understand that all provided information and links can be made public on the interinstitutional website of the Viet Nam Circular Economy Hub at www.vietnamcirculareconomy.vn *