MARD’s Plan to Accelerate CE in agriculture
- Date: 13/12/2025
- Issuance levels: Central
- Issuing Organization: MARD
- Type of document: Decision
- Sector: MARD
Decision on Issuing the Action Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for Implementing the Project on Scientific Development, Application, and Technology Transfer to Promote the Circular Economy in Agriculture until 2030
- To create unity in the awareness and actions of the entire Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in effectively implementing the objectives, tasks, and solutions for the development of science and technology application and transfer to promote a circular economy in agriculture until 2030, as outlined in Decision No. 540/QĐ-TTg dated June 19, 2024, of the Prime Minister.
- To concretize the content, tasks, and deliverables, along with the associated timelines, in accordance with the specific functions and tasks of each agency and unit under the Ministry and relevant agencies and units involved in the implementation.
- The plan serves as a basis for agencies and units to organize implementation according to their assigned functions and tasks; to closely coordinate with relevant units to carry out the objectives and tasks of each sector and field, contributing to the successful implementation of the contents stated in Decision No. 540/QĐ-TTg dated June 19, 2024.
- Integrate the tasks and solutions of the Project into relevant programs, plans, schemes, projects, and activities at the agencies and units under the Ministry.
- During the implementation of the Plan, it is necessary to regularly supervise, inspect, and monitor, organize preliminary and final reviews; regularly update policies and new tasks to meet practical demands and requirements; uphold the spirit of proactiveness, determination, innovation, and ensure quality and effectiveness.