Consultation Workshop: Boosting NDCs’ Ambitions Through Circularity in the Agricultural Sectors – Introducing the CE Toolbox

14:00 - 16:30 ICT 16/01/2024 Online English - VIetnamese

Consultation Workshop: Boosting NDCs’ Ambitions Through Circularity in the Agricultural Sectors – Introducing the CE Toolbox – Recap of the event can be found here.

Event Type: Consultation Workshop

Date & Time: Tuesday, 16 January 2024 | 14:00 – 16:30 ICT

Organizing Agency: UNEP, UNFCCC, CE Hub, UNDP

Mode: Online through Zoom

Registration Link: 


While the potential of Circular Economy (CE) practices to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions is promising, fully realizing this potential requires bridging a critical knowledge gap. This gap spans multiple areas, from understanding specific CE tools to quantifying their impact on emission reduction. The upcoming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Toolbox aims to address this knowledge gap head-on. Through targeted consultations, the Toolbox will introduce experts to its functionalities and empowering them to leverage it for ambitious emissions reduction goals in the next round of agricultural sector NDCs, as well as showcase the initial findings of a baseline study and facilitate a collaborative brainstorming session to prioritize CE interventions with the highest potential climate impact for the agricultural sector. The consultation will shed light on capacity gaps within both MARD and UNDP, informing crucial actions to be taken in the future.


Time Activity Speaker
14:00 – 14:10 Welcoming Remarks Mr. Dao Xuan Lai

Assistant Resident Representative, UNDP

Session 1: Training and application on the CE Toolbox in Viet Nam
14:10 – 14:30 Overview of the NDC Toolbox Mr. Jelmer Hoogzaad

Contributor of the development of CE Toolbox


14:30 – 14:45 Application of the NDC Toolbox in the agricultural sectors in Viet Nam Mr. Mai Van Trinh, Assoc. Prof. PhD.

Director, Institute for Agricultural Environment

14:45 – 15:00 Discussion and Q&A on the NDC Toolbox All
Session 2: Applying Circularity in the Agricultural Sectors to boost Viet Nam’s NDC
14:55 – 15:05 Overview of IPSARD’s work on Circular Economy Dr. Nguyen Anh Phong

Deputy Director General, Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD)

15:05 – 15:20 Opportunities and challenges to boost circularity in the agricultural sectors Mr. Dao  The Anh, Assoc. Prof. PhD.

Deputy Director, Viet Nam Academy of Agricultural Sciences

15:20 – 15:35 Case Study: Adopting CE practices in the rice value chain Dr. Nguyen Van Hung

Mechanization and Postharvest Management Team Leader, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

15:35 – 15:50 Case Study in Lam Dong: Adopting CE practices in the coffee value chain   Mr. Pham Thanh Nam

Project Manager,  SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

15:50 – 16:05 Farmers Producing Biofertilizers for Coffee Farming: A Replicable Climate Solution Mr. Le Dac Phuc

Cooperative & Climate advisor

Agriterra organization

16:05 – 16:25 Discussion and priorities for programming All
16:25 – 16:30 Closing Remarks UNDP

About the Toolbox: ‘Building circularity into the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)’ – Available here

This project aims to support countries in assessing, integrating, implementing, and tracking circular economy interventions in their revised NDCs to enhance ambition and accelerate implementation while supporting a just and inclusive transition. UNDP, UNEP’s One Planet Network Secretariat, and UNFCCC secretariat have co-developed a digital toolbox platform and user guide, currently being piloted in Viet Nam, Ecuador, and Zimbabwe, three countries supported by UNDP’s Climate Promise. The project’s donors are the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Sitra, and the Finnish Innovation Fund.

This “Building Circularity into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – A Practical Toolbox” aims to assist countries in identifying, prioritising, implementing and tracking circular economy interventions for increased ambition and implementation of their NDCs.

The toolbox aims to provide policymakers with a methodology, resources, and tools to help:

  • Assess and identify GHG emissions hotspots from material use to prioritize sectors and/or sub-sectors in the NDC for circular economy interventions for increased climate ambition;
  • Assess and select circular economy interventions in prioritized sectors/sub-sectors for the NDC;
  • Identify policy instruments and indicators for the implementation of selected circular economy interventions in the NDC; and
  • Track and report progress in the national Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) under the Paris Agreement.

The toolbox is organised in four stages to leverage a country’s policy cycle. Each stage includes a set of steps and key questions to consider as well as tools and case studies.

Recap of the event can be found here.

