NPAP to launch Innovation and Financing Taskforce

8:30 AM –3:00 PM, 18 May 2023 Online English

Event type: Task force launch in combination with seminar

Time: 8:30 AM –3:00 PM, 18 May 2023 (Thursday)

Organising body: Vietnam NPAP and UNDP

Link Zoom: 834 2351 5473; Passcode: 568066)


The Vietnam National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) is a national multi-stakeholder platform that facilitates collaboration among key members and stakeholders, including the government, private businesses, NGOs, international organizations, associations, and academia. Its goal is to translate commitments into actions for reducing plastic waste and pollution in Vietnam.

As part of the 2023 plan, NPAP Vietnam is establishing the NPAP Innovation and Financing Task force., which will coordinate efforts in plastic innovation and investments to promote plastic circularity. It aims to build communities of solution providers, identify specific needs, generate innovative solutions, and connect with financial sources to support these solutions.

The task force will also provide background information and share Norway’s and international experiences in addressing plastic pollution as it is recognized as a global leader in the Deposit Return System Scheme (DRS) – an effective tool for promoting plastic circularity. The DRS has been successfully implemented in several countries, contributing to behavior change in plastic consumption and improving plastic collection and segregation systems. Through the presentation of Norway and UNDP/NPAP’s ongoing commitments, this initiative aims to support Vietnam in tackling plastic pollution and fostering a more sustainable circular economy by implementing effective innovations and investments.

The event is for:

  • Government officials, especially those from MONRE, Legal Affairs Department, and relevant departments at MPI (such as National Innovation Center), government offices
  • Development partners, international organizations who are actively working on plastic innovations and investments, particular members of the NPAP Innovation and Financing Task force and other stakeholders such as USAID’s projects, World Bank, Circulate Capital, and the Embassies of Norway, UK
  • Representatives from the private sectors who involve in dealing with plastic innovative solutions, such as VCCI, Dow Viet Nam, Unilever Viet Nam, TOMRA, URENCO etc., academics, NGOs, and experts in the field of plastic innovation and financing, and Deposit Return System (DRS)
  • General public including international and national public audience
  • National journalists

Link Zoom: 834 2351 5473; Passcode: 568066)

