In order to ensure synchronous and effective law enforcement, efficient use of resources towards a circular economy and help to conduct the industrial symbiosis in industrial park, the Project is supporting for study of Reviewing the status of legislation on waste management in the industrial parks of Viet Nam and international standards for waste reuse as the background for the development of framework for guidelines to reuse waste in industrial zones.
Objectives: The “ Consultatation workshop on development of framework guidelines to reuse waste in industrial parks” will be organised to
– Present the study result on reviewing the legislation on waste management in the industrial and economic zones and introduce the draft guideline on reuse solid waste in industrial zones
– Disscuss on proposed framework for guidelines to reuse soild waste in industrial zones to finalise and contribute as the input for detailed guidance on waste treatment, reuse and recycling which will be issued by MONRE (Article 58, Decree 35/ND-CP)
Time: 13h30-17h00 Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Venue: Fortuna Hotel, 6B Lang Ha Street, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Invitation and Agenda: See here
For further information, please contact: Ms. Bui Hong Phuong, Project Management Officer, Email: