In order to strengthen the implementation of solutions to reduce plastic waste and plastic bags, the Institute of Strategy and Policy on natural resources and environment (ISPONRE), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in collaboration with the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade established “Retail Alliance to Reduce Plastic Bag Consumption” (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance) with the participation of supermarket chains and retailers to increase the use of environmentally friendly bags, contributing to reducing single-use plastic bags, waste. There are currently 16 retailers registered participating the Alliance.
Within the framework of the project implementation, ISPONRE in collaboration with the French Agency for International Technical Cooperation (Expertise France) organized a knowledge sharing workshop “Promoting alternatives to single-use plastic products towards sustainable production and consumption in Viet Nam”.
Time: 13:30 on March 2, 2022
Format: Hybrid Workshop at Goethe-Institute, 56-58-60 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Hanoi
Zoom meeting room address:
Meeting ID: 846 3229 9260; Passcode: Gi!032022
Planned program:
You are cordially invited to attend and contribute your comments at the conference. Please register for the conference by following the link: For more information, please contact Ms. Le Thi Le Quyen, ISPONRE, phone: 37931627-ext 789; email: