Municipalities in the Asia-Pacific region are facing increasing stress to control solid waste due to rapid urbanization, population growth and economic development. Moreover, the region is following a resource-intensive growth pattern. The material footprint per unit of GDP in Asia-Pacific is far higher than the world average(1.16kg/$), standing at 1.82kg/$ in 2017. It is therefore crucial for countries to rethink and redesign their growth pattern to achieve sustainability.
The zero waste vision resonates strongly with the circular economy transition that countries in the Asia-Pacific region are now embarking on. UNDP, with its Zero Waste Offer, intends to support countries in addressing the challenges of solid waste management in an integrated manner based on the principle of the waste hierarchy and circular economy.
On April 28, 2022 (11:00 am Bangkok Time), UNDP Montreal Protocol, Chemicals and Waste Unit will host a virtual workshop that explores ways on realizing a zero-waste vision, as well as to demonstrate how effective public-private partnerships can contribute to it. By sharing good policies and practices, the workshop will also offer a space for discussion on transitioning towards a circular economy in the region. Specifically, the workshop will:
- Unpack the concept of “zero waste” and introduce the waste management hierarchy
- Present UNDP Zero Waste Offer
- Introduce successful experience on addressing municipal solid waste challenges through waste management projects
- Explore financing opportunities through public-private partnership, carbon trade and other sources of finance.
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